PhD defence by Tamara Soukotta
On 7 July 2023, Dr. Tamara Soukotta defended her thesis on segregation and relational peacebuilding in Ambon with succes. As Beyond Walls we are proud to have Dr. Tamara as our board member and congratulate her with her succes!
In her thesis, Tamara Soukotta argues that (religious) segregation in Ambon put in place under the Dutch colonial administration and is sustained-maintained throughout the (post)colonial history of Ambon to the present time is coloniality of power manifested.
Nonetheless, relational peacebuilding-cultivating as practised by peace initiatives in Ambon has been the way to recover what was erased by coloniality. In other words, relational peacebuilding in Ambon is decoloniality in praxis. Further read and livestream.