We regard colonial heritage not as static objects but as living beings that embody stories and meaning.
We believe in the transformative power of research, storytelling, and art to connect on both intellectual and emotional levels when addressing colonial legacies and heritage.
Beyond Walls initiates and curates projects independently and in collaboration with a diverse range of partners, encompassing research, public programming, exhibitions, documentaries, artistic interventions, and advisory roles.
We prioritize long-term partnerships and structural impact, with a focus on building transnational relationships that deepen our understanding of (de)coloniality beyond our own contexts.
International knowledge exchange is at the heart of our practice, fostering new perspectives, enriching our work, and driving ongoing development. Through lectures and participation in global exchanges, we actively engage with international audiences to broaden the conversation on decolonization and transformative change.
Key to our work method is the combination of research, storytelling and art.
Agency, locality and co-creation are core pillars of our approach. Inspired by Taiye Selasi’s vision on locality and the critical work on unlearning imperialism by Ariella Aïsha Azoulay.
We center the impact of Dutch/European colonialism, as well as questions on political and institutional responsibility and accountability. This way we address the entanglement of personal stories, colonial history and contemporary world we live in.
Our work
RESEARCH SLAVERY PAST OF EINDHOVEN Beyond Walls is invited by the city of Eindhoven to conduct an inventory research of the Slavery past of Eindhoven
READ OUR COLONIAL INHERITANCE #2: The second edition poetry and film series with artists Zaïre Krieger, Dalilla Hermans, Chris Keulemans, Julia & Robinson Jouwe.
WORKSESSIONS AND GUEST LECTURES AT: ISBN+ Book and Art store, Budapest, Hungary, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Open Universiteit en Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst,
RESEARCH SLAVERY PAST OF EINDHOVEN Beyond Walls is invited by the city of Eindhoven to conduct an inventory research of the Slavery past of Eindhoven
PUBLIC RESEARCH BASED INTERVENTION: OOSTCAST straatnamen Amsterdam Oost (The Black Archives, Gemeente Amsterdam, Buro Braak) Public History Project
ARTISTIC INTERVENTION/ONLINE FILMS: Dichter bij Onze koloniale erfenis (Tropenmuseum) 2022/2023
RESEARCH: Zeeman op de uitkijk (Gemeente Amsterdam) Research on the history and afterlives of the WOII Monument Zeeman op de Uitkijk
ARTISTIC INTERVENTION/ONLINE FILMS: Dichter bij Onze koloniale erfenis (Tropenmuseum)
EXHIBITION/ONLINE FILMS: Afterlives of Revolusi (Rijksmuseum)
PUBLIC/ONLINE PROGRAM: Revolusi Indonesia-Freedom and Resistance (Rode Hoed)
DOCUMENTARY: Antara Dua Bulan (Erasmushuis Jakarta, Ecko Dance company, SPRING Utrecht)
RESEARCH RESIDENCY: Felix Meritis’ Slavery history and colonial roots of (Felix Meritis)