Beyond Walls develops and curates public programs independently and in collaboration with a diversity of partners like Framer Framed, De Rode Hoed, Wereldmuseum Amsterdam, The Black Archives, Erasmushuis Jakarta and more.
A fragment from Beyond Walls public program Revolusi Indonesia: Freedom and Resistance (2022).
“We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us.”
PUBLIC PROGRAM REVOLUSI INDONESIA: FREEDOM AND RESISTANCE by BEYOND WALLS in collaboration with Rode Hoed in the Rode Hoed, Amsterdam.
BEYOND WALLS organized an evening on the impact of the Revolusi, across generations and political and historical borders.. With Tjokorda Agung Pudak, eyewitness of the Revolution, historian and journalist Anne-Lot Hoek, researcher Tamara Soukotta and postgraduate Ligia Giay. The evening was presented by Feba Sukmana.
The conversations underline the importance of regional and decolonial approaches to history.
Read the full column by Ligia Giay here.
Museum Night 2021, Photo: Armando Ello / Beyond Walls
HET SCHEEPVAARTMUSEUM X MUSEUMNACHT AMSTERDAM I Saturday 6 November 2021, 7 pm - 11.30 pm
The replica of the VOC ship has been a crowd-puller for the National Maritime Museum since 1991. This spring the ship returned to the museum after an extensive renovation. But what does the VOC ship actually mean in today's world? For whom does the ship have (no) value and why?
Although the ship never took an active part in the VOC spice trade and slavery, it was not built in a vacuum. The global slave trade and the violent VOC actions to maintain Dutch monopoly on international trade are an essential part of the story. A context currently missing on the ship. With Jij aan het roer the museum aims to add the missing perspectives. Beyond Walls was asked to kick-off this project by an intervention during Museum Night. (2021)
During museum night, BEYOND WALLS shed a different light on the ship. Highlighting the ship in deep red and leaving the presentation on the inside how it currently is, represented the fact that whatever narrative is being presented on the inside, this can never be seen without the context of colonial violence and oppression inherently attached to it’s (hi)story. Together with many visitors, Beyond Walls explored the question to what extent the ship can contribute to an honest and inclusive story of our colonial past. Is this even possible?
Beyond Walls Takeover is a concept by BEYOND WALLS. With interventions within the walls of institutions, BEYOND WALLS aims to spark conversation towards structural change where silenced (hi)stories of our colonial past and impact today are centered in the narrative.
A short selection of curated programs by Beyond Walls between 2020 and 2024. From Heritage in Motion in the OBA, Shishani & Sisterhood in collaboration with Erasmushuis Jakarta to The Sea Tells with Het Scheepvaartmuseum and Hotel Jakarta and the book launch Revolusi in Framer Framed with David Van Reybrouck.
Jedan Tutuhatunewa shares the story of his father, who survived the shipwreck of the Bintang during World War II. Now, at the Javakade, Jedan has created his personal monument. Recorded by Jeremy Flohr / Beyond Walls as part of the program The Sea Speaks in collaboration with Het Scheepvaartmuseum, 4 and 5 May Amsterdam, and Hotel Jakarta.
Feba Sukmana in conversation with the sisters Zakir about their Sumatran father Zora Zakir who survived two disasters as a young sailor on the ship Mangkalihat.
Read here about the whole program De Zee Vertelt in collaboration with Het Scheepvaartmuseum and Hotel Jakarta (2023).
Wim Manuhutu in conversation with Sadiah Boonstra and David Van Reybrouck about his book Revolusi during the book launch curated by Beyond Walls in collaboration with Framer Framed and Read My World (2020).